
铸铁镶铜闸门行业动态 当前位置: 首页 > 行业动态 > 铸铁镶铜闸门哪里有卖的厂家以及镶铜闸门的工艺要求
时间 : 2019-02-06 浏览量 : 271



1.铸铁镶铜方闸门由门框、闸板、导轨、密封条、传动螺杆、吊块螺母/吊耳和可调整密封机构等部件组成,其中门框和闸板均由优质灰口铸铁或球墨铸铁制成,导轨左右对称布置且用不锈钢螺栓定位销与门框二侧端部连接 对中小口径的闸门,其导轨可与门框浇注成一体,导轨长度一般为闸门全开启高度的1/2~1/3,因而整体结构强度高、刚性高、耐磨、耐腐蚀性好、承压能力大。

  It is made of high quality gray cast iron or nodular cast iron and stainless steel. The sealing surface is inlaid with copper strip or rubber. After precise processing, it can achieve plane contact seal with good sealing performance. When the sealing performance decreases, it can be solved by adjusting the wedge device. Cast iron brass-inlaid square gate 1. Cast iron brass-inlaid square gate consists of gate frame, gate plate, guide rail, sealing strip, transmission screw, hanger nut/lug and adjustable sealing mechanism. The gate frame and gate plate are made of high-quality gray cast iron or ductile iron. The guide rail is symmetrically arranged and connected with the two ends of the gate frame with positioning pins of stainless steel BOLS (for small and medium-sized gate, its guide). The rail can be poured into the door frame. The length of the guide rail is generally 1/2~1/3 of the gate opening height. Therefore, the whole structure has high strength, high rigidity, wear resistance, good corrosion resistance and high bearing capacity.

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