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时间 : 2018-10-06 浏览量 : 116
铸铁镶铜闸门的门体一般采用面板与加强肋的结构,面板可做平面或拱形。门体一般整体铸造和机加工,但尺寸较大的可采用分块组成式。门体上一般采用整体式金属止水,兼作支承滑块,金属止水用同材料制作的沉头螺钉紧固在门体上,螺钉头部与止水工作面一起精加工,一些尺寸较大的也可“P”形橡皮止水。 铸铁闸门有方形、圆形两种。铸铁闸门一般由门叶和门框两部分组成,门体和门框的材料为铸铁,一般整体铸造、整体加工。The door body usually adopts the structure of the panel and reinforced rib, and the panel can be made flat or arched. The door body is generally cast and machined, but the larger size can be divided into blocks. In general, the door body adopts integral metal water stop, which is also used as supporting slider. The metal water stop is fastened on the door body with countersunk head screw made of the same material. The head of the screw is finished together with the water stop working face. Some larger size rubber water stop can also be "P" shaped. Cast iron gate has two kinds: square and round. Cast iron gate generally by the door blade and door frame two parts, door body and door frame material for cast iron, general whole casting, whole processing.
标签:铸铁镶铜闸门 铸铁镶铜闸门厂家